Thursday, December 27, 2007

Windsurf 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, the year 2008 rapidly approaches. With it comes windsurfing season. Are you ready for a trip to Corpus Christi in March? If not, now is the time to start preparing.

Early indications suggest we might visit sometime during spring break (March 8-16). I hope to see you all then!


Unknown said...

OK, this year, can the March windsurfing trip not happen during SXSW? Ridiculous music/art festivals are the reason to live in Austin, so let's try to dodge them this year. :) SXSW film festival is the weekend before spring break, and the music festival is the week of and weekend after spring break, so I cast my vote for either March 1/2 or March 22/23.

WindAddict said...

I think that some folks who wish to attend can only make it to Corpus during Spring Break. I'm not a South by Southwest hater, SXSW is a Spring Break hater.

I think Matt is out of town for the 22/23 weekend. I'll let you guys duke it out a bit.

dmlandry said...

I'll be back in time for the 22/23 weekend. Plus, I tend to think later is better when trying to catch the first spring surf.

As an aside, there is going to be a Cirque du Soleil show in Corpus on the 22nd that Karen and I were thinking of seeing...

Anonymous said...

i'd definitely like to make a few trips down there with you guys this year, but if sxsw weekend is chosen i am most definitely out :-(

Unknown said...

Sounds like there's not much duking... warmer water, less crowd, Cirque du Soleil... 22/23 weekend for the win!

Unknown said...

I vote for sometime between march 8-16th, since that's the only break I have from UF... then I can combine SXSW with a windsurfing trip to make a great spring break


dmlandry said...

Sounds like there might have to be two trips made during March...

WindAddict said...

Due to popular demand it looks like we will have two trips. See how much I love you all? :)

James and Jolyon want to learn to windsurf March 14th and 15th (a one-night stay in Corpus). If anyone else wants to tag along for that trip, they're more than welcome. Spring Break in Corpus is fun.

The next weekend, March 21-23rd, we'll enjoy a traditional three-day stay. It sounds like this is when the veterans want to come out of the woodwork. It might be a big group -- this will be fun!

I look forward to hanging out with you all. But mostly, I look forward to lots of water time and lots of seafood! ;)

I'll put the details up as I get everything planned. Stay tuned.

WindAddict said...

Oh, and I'd love to hear suggestions for inexpensive SXSW-type activities while James and Jolyon are in Austin. Are Amy Glen & the Forgotten Heroes playing anywhere? Milhouse?